Friday, August 29, 2008

A Jury Duty Day # 1 Haiku:

Ah, Jury Duty
He should have read the fine print;
Felon dragged from court.

Today when the judge said "If anyone has any problem being here and serving on Jury Duty, now is the time to speak," a trash-tastic man in the back raised his hand.

"What if we know you?" he asks.
"How do you know me?" Judge replies.
"You convicted me and sent me to jail five years ago."
"Oh. Ah, Bailif, you may show this man out."

Totally sweet. Jury Duty Day #2 to commence on Tuesday.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Shovel my poo

Thru-hiking is the process of hiking a long-distance trail from end to end. The term is most commonly associated with the Appalachian Trail, but is also used for other lengthy trails and long distance hikes, including the Pacific Crest Trail, and the Continental Divide Trail. Thru-hiking is also called "end-to-end hiking" or "end-to-ending" on some trails, like Vermont's Long Trail. - Wikipedia

Of late, my husband has been doing extensive research online about thru-hiking, particularly on Andrew Skura’s website. Evidently Mr. Skura is the Michael Phelps of thru-hiking, and also appears to be my husband’s latest man crush (second only to Alton Brown of Food Network fame). A 2,000-3,000 mile long hike is a walk in the park for people like Andrew Skura.

So every night lately, I get filled in on hiking stats, info on lightweight gear and clothing, and which nutrition bars pack the most calories per ounce. Why? Because my husband’s new goal in life is to be a thru hiker and to complete the Vermont Long Trail in September 2009. And he wants me to do it with him. Right now I’m taking the challenge with a handful of salt. It would mean me losing about 150 pounds in the next 13 months, and conditioning myself to be able to hike at least 10 miles per day. Crazy? Yes. But if this motivates me to get my fat ass moving, I’ll take it. Eric (the hubby) on the other hand, is taking this challenge seriously and is already hinting at Christmas presents ranging from an iPood shovel (seriously?) to ultra lightweight water bottles and bear repellant.

This is the kind of crazy scheme I am used to. A year ago Eric wanted to start a tobacco farm and make his own cigars. The year before that he wanted to open a winery. Will he stick to this one and actually make the 270-mile hike through Vermont? Probably not. But for now it’s fun to sit back and watch him dream. And try on his new little hiker shorts. Go on, flex that butt.

The iPood. Yep.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Guess who's back with a brand new rap.

After a (year's?) absence, I am happy to hop back into the blogsphere and am putting finger to keyboard once again in an attempt to say hello to the world. All whilst simultaneously watching Law and Order and getting high off of my vanilla cupcake candle. Which, by the way, I found at an awesome sale at Michaels (holla crafters!)

I wanted to write something worthy of the comment "Kickass, Stormy! Welcome back!", but unfortunately my belly is at the moment full of Mexican food and I'm too busy paying attention to Law and -- Mythbusters. Damn channel flipper husband.

Ooh they're doing the episode where they test if drifting behind a semi truck saves you gas mileage (it does)...

Stay tuned for - posts! Maybe even daily. Topic for Friday is going to be Stormy's First Day of Jury Duty. Yippie!

If it came with frosting I'd lick it